Previous project
These are some recent project I have worked or still working on.
Investigating Coral Community Change and Potential Recovery Following Mass Coral Bleaching and Mortality Event-Chagos Archipelagos case study
- Involved in project investigating the response of coral communities after episodic external disturbances with the charming Dr Catherine Head of University of Oxford, UK as part of my professional practice in the International Masters in Marine Biological resources programme.
- I also developed a simple, coral ID web app for fun at the end of the project. I named it Coralipedia. Obviously, it can be better. If you have any ideas, reach out.
Modelling the contribution of Microphytobenthos in Sediment biogeochemistry
- I worked with the amazing Dr Karline Soetaert of Royal Netherland of Sea Research in improving the representation of biological component in vertically resolved sediment biogeochemical model.
- If you are interested in benthic ecosystem modelling/sediment diagenesis, I would be glad if you can contact me to know more about this project.
SummeR: Online course for Introductory R
- With a bunch of cool guys, we helped developed an introductory online course for new study enrolled in the IMBRSea programme.
- You can find more info here and check out the course repository
Applied Numerical modeling of early diagenesis and benthic-pelagic coupling in sedimentary systems
- This project at the OCEANIS group will be my current focus for the next coming years. I will be supervised by Dr Christophe Rabouille and Dr Eric Viollier. Finger crossed on this one.